Welcome to Yonsei University's Cognition Lab
Under the direction of Dr. Min-Shik Kim, the Cognition lab at Yonsei University focuses on developing a profound understanding of cognition and perception and how the two interact to influence human behavior. For detailed information of projects and ongoing research, feel free to browse our site or contact the members of our lab. If you have any questions regarding the lab, please shoot us an email! We'll promise to get back to you ASAP!
Under the direction of Dr. Min-Shik Kim, the Cognition lab at Yonsei University focuses on developing a profound understanding of cognition and perception and how the two interact to influence human behavior. For detailed information of projects and ongoing research, feel free to browse our site or contact the members of our lab. If you have any questions regarding the lab, please shoot us an email! We'll promise to get back to you ASAP!
We usually recruit one or two graduate students per semester.
If you are interested in applying, e-mail the lab director, Min-Shik Kim at [email protected]
If you have any other questions about the Cognition lab, please contact here (lab e-mail address): [email protected]
For application details, please visit http://graduate.yonsei.ac.kr/
If you are interested in applying, e-mail the lab director, Min-Shik Kim at [email protected]
If you have any other questions about the Cognition lab, please contact here (lab e-mail address): [email protected]
For application details, please visit http://graduate.yonsei.ac.kr/
서울시 서대문구 연세로 50 연세대학교 유억겸 기념관 306호 120-749 |
Yu-Eok-Gyeom Memorial Hall #306 Dept. of Psychology, Yonsei University 50 Yonsei-ro Seodaemun-gu Seoul 120-749, Republic of Korea |
"Fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all."
Yvon Chouinard